Trail Life
Troop AL-0034
Auburn, AL
Welcome to TrailLife AL-0034. We are an outdoor youth development organization steeped in the values of the Christian faith dedicated to guiding boys to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.
Grades K-5
Boys on the Woodlands Trail gain knowledge about outdoor skills, citizenship, character, friendship, and faith through fun activities, awards, and skill instruction.
Fox: K-1st
Hawk: 2nd - 3rd
Mountain Lion: 4th - 5th
Grades 6-8
As Navigators, boys gain understanding of their values and beliefs under the guidance of godly male role models through being responsible in outdoor adventures and in their home and school life. They explore areas of interest and earn Trail Badges for advancement.
Grades 9-12
We do not currently have an Adventurers group.
As Adventurers, young men mature in wisdom and faith through more difficult challenges and leadership activities with Christian men walking alongside. They plan and lead outdoor events and large projects while exercising leadership positions in the Troop, even mentoring some of the younger Trailmen.